Child Sexual Exploitation

"To everybody who looked after our Kelly, I cannot thank you enough for looking after her and keeping her safe when we no longer could. You have been the best influence and supported her throughout the time she stayed with you. Even us as a family, every time I have picked up a phone with questions or worries Ana and Kira have been SUPER supportive. It has been a very difficult time and if you had not been there for Kelly she would not have not left this place a happy person and calm and confident in herself and its all down to you.


It’s hard to put in words the gratitude I feel… I know it has not been easy for you but you have done the best job for this girl, you have great staff members working for you as Kelly often spoke about it. I have met a few of them and I never felt anything back from them but support and understanding. Nathan was one of them, what a great person he is and how Kelly looked up to him and felt like she had a friend who would listen. Kelly has been in foster care and another girls support home before she entered your house, and Fields House was the only place which made a difference to Kelly. It was first time in many months I could fall asleep knowing my child was kept safe and most importantly, she did not run…. This was the first place that Kelly did not run from and stayed.


You had done so much for her, kept her busy and taught her life skills, drove her up and down to see family, friends and to attend college. The work you do for all girls who comes in all alone, frightened, and angry and misunderstood, its absolute amazing!


I can say you have been a MIRACLE to our little Kelly. Thank you to All, I am truly eternally grateful for what you did for my Kelly, for simply saving her life and giving her a new chance and hope now to start her a new chapter in her life.


Most sincerely Kelly’s Mum xxx"


Footer Jake


If you would like some advice or more information on our services and what we can do for you, email us here, or call 0161 507 3723 to discuss a referral in confidence.


CSE Child Profile

• Ages from 16+

• Deaf/hearing impaired with communication challenges

• British sign language user

• Associated complex needs

• Challenging behaviour

• Autism, ESD or other diagnosed conditions


Mental Health Practitioner


Our Mental Health Practitioner works using a consultation model in the home, including home visits, email, telephone and teams consultations. They will also provide advice and evidence based therapeutic resources to support the staff in their relationships and care planning of the young adults. The key aim being to work holistically to support the staff teams to develop and enhance the young adults wellbeing, independence, social skills and resilience. 


The mental health practitioner uses a multi-disciplinary approach and will communicate with external clinical agencies, in addition to the wider Cambian professional team. Bespoke training for the team in line with the young adult’s specific individual needs can also be provided.


Consultation sessions with individual staff offer the opportunity for reflection and upskilling, and a chance to debrief after incidents. The mental health practitioner regularly attends team meetings, and other professional meetings where requested by the home manager/regional manager.

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