Child Sexual Exploitation

Our education packages are designed to build resilience, promotion of wellbeing and increase confidence within those we care for. 


At one of our Schools, a year 9 student is currently studying the award winning novel Stone Cold by Robert Swindells. This novel is about a homeless teenager called Link who leaves his hometown of Leeds and goes to London, trying to survive life on the streets. They were given a task to write a descriptive account of arriving in a big city. The aim of this particular lesson was use of the senses in descriptive writing. We want to share a piece of her work, aimed to provoke thought around 'empathy and understanding'.


 CSE Work


If you would like some advice or more information on our services and what we can do for you, email us here, or call 0161 507 3723 to discuss a referral in confidence.


CSE Child Profile

• Ages from 16+

• Deaf/hearing impaired with communication challenges

• British sign language user

• Associated complex needs

• Challenging behaviour

• Autism, ESD or other diagnosed conditions


Mental Health Practitioner


Our Mental Health Practitioner works using a consultation model in the home, including home visits, email, telephone and teams consultations. They will also provide advice and evidence based therapeutic resources to support the staff in their relationships and care planning of the young adults. The key aim being to work holistically to support the staff teams to develop and enhance the young adults wellbeing, independence, social skills and resilience. 


The mental health practitioner uses a multi-disciplinary approach and will communicate with external clinical agencies, in addition to the wider Cambian professional team. Bespoke training for the team in line with the young adult’s specific individual needs can also be provided.


Consultation sessions with individual staff offer the opportunity for reflection and upskilling, and a chance to debrief after incidents. The mental health practitioner regularly attends team meetings, and other professional meetings where requested by the home manager/regional manager.

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a referral

in confidence?


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