Each of our children and young people are given bespoke clinical packages that are designed to meet their needs
Find out moreFor over 25 years, our specialist residential care services have provided outstanding therapeutic care and education for young girls who have experienced child sexual exploitation (CSE) and Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE). Our outcomes are underpinned by a well-defined and child focused approach supported by a complete personalised care pathway leading to successful transitions into either foster care, supported accommodation or a home return where appropriate.
Our specialist sexual trauma residential care services for children who have experienced exploitation (CSE/ CCE) aim at reducing risk factors through, individualised therapeutic residential care, therapy and education packages designed to build resilience, promotion of wellbeing and coping mechanisms to embed risk management for safer future relationships. Through a model of care which is a minimum of 12 months package to support a young persons understanding and life choices.
Our homes are therapeutic settings where our staff are understanding of behaviour being a presentation of underlying issues. We are able to work with the young peoplein our care to help them through their trauma, ensuring their needs are met. This allows them choice and decision making opportunities in order to prepare them for independence and the next chapter of their lives.
Our teams are child focused and offer individualised care through the home and education settings. The team thrive to build positive relationships with our young people as this is paramount for the child to thrive. We provide keyworkers to each young person so there is a strong parental support system in place for each individual. Our care team and clinical teams along with education colleagues ensure that each child has a joined up care plan to support their progress.
As part of our commitment to seamless care, Cambian offers relevant transition pathways for children who are ready to move on from this service. Our children's pathway services include foster care or supported accommodation. Nationwide placements are available depending on assessment of needs.
If you would like some advice or more information on our services and what we can do for you, email us here, or call 0161 507 3723 to discuss a referral in confidence.