Therapies form an integral part of our services. The work carried out by our team of therapists and the expertise they share with other members of the multi-disciplinary team contribute towards a consistent approach.
Speech and Language therapy
✓ To facilitate effective use of existing communication skills
✓ To enable students to learn and develop new communication skills
Occupational Therapy
Our Occupational Therapy is another indicator of our person-centred approach including our phenomenally successful motor sensory units designed to stimulate the mind on different levels from regular communication.
This is to provide practical support for students so they are able to make progress with:
✓ Sensory issues
✓ Life skills, including personal hygiene
✓ Motor coordination and hand skills
✓ Self-regulation to improve concentration
✓ Organisational skills
Behavioural Therapy
To develop positive coping strategies for dealing with:
✓ Anxiety-promoting situations
✓ Anger and other challenging behaviours
✓ Sensory processing difficulties
✓ Social interaction
The help students who may have problems with:
✓ Gross motor skills (muscle weakness, postural control, poor balance, motor planning, quality of movement)
✓ Sports skills (running, jumping, catching and throwing ball, kicking ball, riding bicycle, etc.)
Music Therapy
✓ Promote self-expression
✓ Enhance capacity for two-way communication
✓ Encourage more overt social interactions
✓ Develop the communicative use of voice
✓ Increase tolerance to sound
Art Therapy
To use appropriate art forms in a safe, facilitating environment to:
✓ Encourage self-expression
✓ Develop inter-personal skills
✓ Increase self-esteem
✓ Resolve interal conflicts
✓ Increase tolerance to touching different materials
Drama Therapy
To use drama to bring about positive psychological, emotional and social changes by means of:
✓ Story-telling
✓ Role play
✓ Acting
✓ Mime
✓ Improved voice production
Equine Therapy
To promote well-being through interaction with horses, this can offer challenges which can help:
✓ Overcome fears
✓ Build up trust, respect and compassion
✓ Develop communication skills
✓ Increase self-esteem
✓ Develop problem-solving techniques and coping strategies
For more information, email us here, or call 0161 507 3723 to discuss a referral in confidence.