Our Specialisms

We would like to introduce you to Nicole, our Speech and Language Therapist and part of our Wellbeing Team at Wing College. 


Here are a series of video interviews with Nicole about Speech and Language Therapy, and how we support our students.


Watch the videos below to find out more.





What do you love about your job?


The Wellbeing Team at Wing College is a support network for students and families and is formed of Mental Health Practitioners, the Psychology team, Occupational Therapy, Holistic Therapies, Psychiatry and the Wing College Therapy dog, Nala.


In this interview, Nicole tells us what she enjoys most about her job, and talks about the rapport she builds with our students.


Nicole really supports our students on their journey, and develops a relationship of care and trust, instilling confidence in our student’s speech and language skills.





What types of therapy techniques do you typically use?


Speech and Language Therapy is focused around offering the right therapies and techniques to the young people in our care.


Social Thinking helps individuals better understand the process by which we interpret the thoughts, beliefs, intentions, emotions, and actions of another person within the context of a situation and helps in building healthy relationships.


To support our students with Social Thinking, the devices Nicole mentions include SMARTbox Technology. This is assistive technology for people who experience difficulty with speech to communicate and live more independently.


To find out more about SMARTbox Assistive Technology, click here: Smartbox Assistive Technology | AAC Devices (cambiangroup.com)







How do you tailor these to each students unique needs?


Speech and Language Therapy involves a personalised and strategic programme for our students.


As student needs vary, our therapists proactively plan and tailor therapies to their individual needs. This involves liaising with staff, care teams, education teams and families to build the correct support action plan that incorporates all aspects of our students requirements to provide a basis to set Speech and Language goals.









Do you involve the parents in the therapy process?


Parents/Carers, and families play a key part in the therapy process as they fully understand our students background and personality. This can be extremely helpful in understanding needs and difficulties, learning preferences and styles, for example whether or not the student is comfortable learning in group environment.


Keeping families engaged in this process enables them to see how their child is progressing, and to experience improved communication over time.






How do you track students’ progress over time?


Success is a journey, not a destination, as famously quoted by Arthur Ashe. Speech and Language Therapy is a journey of learning and development for our students.


By setting communication goals and targets and completing regular assessments and reviews, we are proud to see our student’s confidence grow with the support of our Speech and Language Therapists.


We would like to extend a special thank you to Nicole, for sharing her experiences in the great work she does to support our students.