News & Events

Student Librarians Update Library


Our student librarians have been working really hard to update our school library. We have had new books delivered to the school to allow our students to access a range of different genres of literature.


Our current ‘Author of the Month’ is Jacqueline Wilson and the student librarians have created a display with interesting facts about Jacqueline Wilson and her popular reads.


New Library Books Jaqueline Wilsom


They have also been collecting data from our school body regarding their favourite genres so we are able to keep the library relevant to what our students would like to see, and to ensure we have a wide variety of books they will enjoy reading. The lower school’s favourite genres were Anime and Fantasy. Whereas, our upper school’s favourite genres were Horror and Fantasy.


We are currently updating our library display boards showing what the different book genres are and offering students recommended books based on their age and ability. This will allow students to be able to try and read new books that they may not have heard of before!


As a school we believe it is important for all members of our community to be reading and developing their imagination and literacy skills. As a staff team, we are hoping to show students that reading can be pleasurable and showcase our own favourite genres and staff are in the process of photographing themselves reading their favourite books.


Staff Reading New Library Books