News & Events

Scarborough School - Covid-19 Update

Scarborough School - Covid-19 Update image

Due to the outbreak of Covid-19, staff have been working hard to deliver online education. Staff and students are using ClassDojo to share work and keep in contact and up to date with one another. ClassDojo continues to work really well and staff and students alike are enjoying being able to use this platform. Staff have also been sharing various mental health and wellbeing advice from the likes of CompassBuzz for parents, carers and children, who need support in this testing time.

Our children are working hard both academically and trying to keep fit!

We are also using Zoom to have three meetings per week with staff and students. The aim of these meetings is to help anyone who needs it with work and it is also an opportunity for the children to see and chat to each other. Once again, so far this has been a success and staff and students are enjoying being able to keep in contact.

We also have staff delivering food parcels daily to the pupils who receive free school meals and any work for children that do not have access to a computer/internet.
As a school community we endure to get through this pandemic together. #Stayhome #Staysafe #Savelives