News & Events

Hill House Celebrate National Careers Week!


This year we celebrated National Careers week at Hill House School. The students completed a whole range of activities based on the world of work. During the mornings we learnt about professional jobs, from policing to healthcare, from chefs to librarians. Many took part in role play activities which were very much enjoyed!


During the afternoons, the students tried a number of practical jobs. Within their homes they made lemonade for each other and prepared food ready for their afternoon break. They also took part in some gardening tasks, planting some sweet peas, onions and other beautiful flowers, ready for our hanging baskets to bloom during the spring.


Students helped to clean the school vehicles, using lots of different equipment and thoroughly enjoyed seeing the process of the busses being nice and clean ready for us to all go out again.


Further, they also took part in lessons about CV building and how to fill out application forms, demonstrating how to get ready for an interview, looking smart and ready to succeed!


All students were each given a time sheet to fill in each day to demonstrate what jobs they had completed, on the Friday they then gave the time sheet in and received their payment.


A huge well done to all our students who took part in what was a very successful careers week!


Hill House Careers Week


Hill House Careers Week2